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Gift Card


Get the perfect gift for that special someone! You can choose a gift card amount based on the value of a challenge or set your own amount below. Details of challenge prices and shipping are given below.

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Remaining/Maximum Characters: 100/100


The prices for Challenges are as follows: 

Medal Only Challenges
Grand Union Canal, The Cotswold Way, Thames Path, 2024 – £26.99

Medal and T-shirt Challenges
Marathon to Athens, Tour Du Mont Blanc,  Mizen to Malin, North Coast, Mount Everest, South West Coast Path, River Nile, Best of British, Royal Jubilee  – £32.99

John O Groats To Lands End, Wales Coast Path, Pennine Way, Sydney To Melbourne, The Golden Route, – £34.99

Lands End to John O Groats, Trans Europe, La Boucle De France, Arctic – £36.99 

Route 66 – £38.99

(Please check the challenge prices for any current offers, Shipping is not included in the challenge price and is calculated based on the shipping address.)


Shipping is not calculated in the gift card price and will be charged to the Gift card recipient based on their shipping address, you can choose to include the shipping cost for them by entering the total amount of the event and shipping in the box below the challenge prices above.

Shipping Prices based on location are given below: 

UK – £3.95 

Ireland – £6.99

Europe/ Everywhere else – £6.99

UAE – £14.99

Australia/ New Zealand – £10.99

United States – £6.99